Blog Drop
May 17, 2023

What’s most thrilling and exciting about starting a new brand is always deciding what’s next. I’ve always been mindful of when and how things must be done.

Am I doing something too soon?

Am I doing something too late?

Is now the right time?

We’ve currently been advertising primarily through social media and word of mouth strictly as a soft launch, but we’ve got very BIG things planned coming this summer. Our official launch planning is under way. No exact date has been set, but we plan to have a caravan of activities going on from farmer’s markets, online ad campaigns, commercials, podcasts, and an official launch party!

I think it’s important for me as a founder to not only get the product out to customers but also to live the lifestyle of being Hardcore. There’s not a set definition or requirements to being Hardcore. The only expectation is you wake up and never be afraid to be bold and courageous. That everyday you strive to be the best version of yourself and to not settle for mediocrity. That’s Hardcore!

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